Friday 18 October 2024

Like a bear ...

... I'm putting on weight for the winter ...

... because I had a puncture cycling home from work last week, and I'm sick of them. So, although the foldable Continental Gatorskins my trusty flat-bar was shod with looked like they had a bit of life left in them (Strava tells me they'd done over 2,800 miles, mind), off they came, and on (with a hell of a struggle, a broken tyre lever and a broken Tyre Glider) went a pair of wired Schwalbe Marathon Plus.

Bottom line, I have a heavier but sturdier pair of tyres on now, roughly 50g heavier per wheel. They are grippy though, and feel sturdy. Plus they have the "Smartguard" reflective band on the tyre wall which, on my winter commuter, can only be a good thing.

The eagle-eyed amongst you (you? No-one reads this...) will have spotted the green dustcaps in the picture above. For yes, such was my ire at last week's puncture, I also fitted some Slime road inner tubes, These are much heavier than the Schwalbe Extra Light they replaced, adding about 110g per wheel. On the plus side, they felt quite comfy on this morning's commute which was a relief, as I had worried they'd be less pliant.

So after all those years of shaving every possible gram off the trusty flat-bar, I have just willingly added about 320g - more than seven KitKats! Impact? Well, I felt slower this morning, and it felt like harder work too. However, Strava suggests it has had no great impact on my average speed or top speed, so maybe it was just one of those mornings when it feels like hard work. Not getting any younger, slimmer or fitter, after all...

P.S. I tweeted (or Xed, or whatever) Tyre Glider about the breakage and they sent me a replacement, FOC, in the post. Good customer service, I would say.

Friday 4 October 2024

Oh dear...

Remember those cycling goals for 2024?

  1. Complete 2,000 miles distance
  2. Complete 56,000 feet of elevation
  3. Record an annual Eddington of 16 miles (requiring 16 days of 16+ miles)
  4. Increase lifetime Eddington from 40 miles to 43 (requiring eight days of 43+ miles)

Here's an update after nine months (and three days):

Cycling stats against targets

I've already met goals three and four, as reported last month. But it's goals one and two I have to worry about. I'm still just about ahead on goal two but I've fallen behind on goal one, a side-effect of the declining weather and having been away from home (and hence bikes) a lot lately.

Bottom line? There's still a chance on goal two, just. I think goal one is going to be very hard. I'm not giving up, but...

Wednesday 4 September 2024

On target?

You'll remember my cycling goals for 2024?

  1. Complete 2,000 miles distance
  2. Complete 56,000 feet of elevation
  3. Record an annual Eddington of 16 miles
  4. Increase lifetime Eddington from 40 miles to 43 (requiring eight days of 43+ miles)

Here's an update after eight months:

So every so slightly ahead on goals 1 and 2, though with autumn and winter months to come. But goals 3 and 4 done, thanks to an 5-day epic trek (with 30kg luggage trailer) around Denmark. I've actually done ten days of 43+ miles this year. In fact, I'm only one day away from upping my lifetime Eddington to 44! But I'm four days away from upping my annual Eddington to 17.

It all looks good then. But I need to be cycling more routinely to achieve goals 1 and 2 in the remaining four months...

Sunday 4 August 2024

Tour de Fox 50

It's a lovely route but what really makes the Tour de Fox stand out is the medal...

Thursday 1 August 2024

Still behind

You'll remember my cycling goals for 2024?

  1. Complete 2,000 miles distance
  2. Complete 56,000 feet of elevation
  3. Record an annual Eddington of 16 miles
  4. Increase lifetime Eddington from 40 miles to 43 (requiring eight days of 43+ miles)

Here's an update after seven months:

Still behind schedule on anything. Knowing what lies ahead for the rest of the year, I think I am most likely to manage goal 4. Goal 3 is next most likely, then goal 1. Goal 2 is least likely, I think. I hope time proves me wrong.

Monday 15 July 2024

Longfellow knew

Three relics
Three relics
His poem was about a little girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead, but it could apply equally to cycling, for when it is good it is very good indeed, and when it is bad it is horrid.

This weekend just gone was supposed to be very good indeed. Three nights camping and back-to-back century rides. Booked in March, I envisaged mid-July to be clear blue skies, warm without being too hot, fresh air and fun. Shows what I know.

Pitching a tent in the rain on Friday was bad, but not terrible - at least it was a quick tent to put up, and had just enough of a porch to enable me to cook my night-before pasta-based meal. But that was about the last thing that went right the whole weekend. I certainly didn't sleep well that night, even after raiding the car for an extra blanket - it was cold! Mid-July and too cold for my two-season sleeping bag. I was awake every two hours, pulling the blanket back onto myself, and grumbling. But that was minor compared to Saturday's ride.

Up at 6.30, fed, dressed and on the start line five minutes before the 8am start time, I felt okay. It was still raining, of course, but I had my Altura NV2 jacket on and felt okay, warm and dry. And despite heavy legs off the line, by the time I hit the main road I was starting to loosen up. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only thing that was loose. As it had rained very heavily all night, the roads were absolutely full of all manner of grit, gravel and other detritus from the hedgerows. Despite my best efforts to avoid it, and having Gatorskins on the bike, I picked up a puncture after just 6.5 miles.

I've got pretty slick at changing inner tubes, generally, so even though it was a back wheel that had to come off, and it was peeing down, and I was stood in the gateway to some farmer's field, cursing like a trooper, it didn't take me too long to break out a new tube and lay it over the famer's five-bar gate, remove the punctured tube and hang that over the gate too, check the inside of the tyre for whatever had caused the puncture (I found nothing), put a tube back in, get the wheel back on and start pumping with my excellent Lezyne mini-pump. But the damn thing wouldn't stay up. Had I missed something in the tyre after all? No... in my sleep-deprived, rain-soaked, glasses-splattered, sweary hurry I had simply put the punctured tube back in, leaving the new tube hanging over the gate. What. A. Tool. And I don't mean the tyre levers (a Park Tool set, the best levers I've ever had, hands down). So off came the wheel again, out came the punctured tube again, and in went the new tube this time. Lesson learnt - pump the tyre up, at least a little bit, before you remount it. I usually do this anyway, and can't think why I didn't on Saturday.

Anyway, job done, and on the road again, cursing my luck (and the weather) for costing me 25 minutes and all the benefit of getting up early for a prompt start. Still, at least I'd had my bad luck for the day, I thought.

Except that 3.5 miles later, I had another puncture. I actually felt it go, it was such a sudden loss of pressure. Cue another gateway to another farmer's field, and the whole sorry process of tube replacement in the lashing rain again. This time I did find something in the tyre, a substantial cube of grit (mica, maybe?) had embedded itself right in and through the Gatorskin, leaving a sharp corner inside the tyre to do the damage. Little bugger, I thought. Still, I got my second spare tube in, inflated it, remounted the wheel and got going again... still getting drenched, still dodging the worst of the crap on the road, and now feeling vulnerable as I had no more inner tubes with me and my rear wheel was inflated less than I would like (brilliant though the Lezyne is, it can't get you to the pressure of a track pump).

I rolled into the first feed stop after nearly three hours, when I had planned to be there in under two. They had a track pump (thank you, support crew) and one (yes, one) inner tube left in my size. Seems I was far from the only rider to get a puncture. I wasn't even the only rider to get two. But at least I was able to press on with a little more confidence... so press on I did.

After 42 miles, my old friend Lower Back Pain started to make his presence felt. LBP is an infrequent visitor, I am relieved to say, but when he shows up, he shows up. At the lunch stop a few miles later, I broke out the paracetamol, more in hope than expectation, tried to stretch it out, and pressed on.

But trying to stretch out LBP is like pulling over to a service station on the motorway because you're feeling sleepy behind the wheel. The service stop wakes you up for a little while, but twenty minutes later you're back to feeling sleepy again. So it is with LBP. By 60 miles I was hurting and, to compound things, had added an extra discomfort in my stomach, perhaps by trying to push my core forward too much or too often, in a futile attempt to alleviate the LBP.

And it was still raining. And windy. And cold.

So when I came to a junction that offered the chopice with pressing on with the 100-mile route or bailing and switching to the 75, I'm sad to say I switched.

Now I know the Velominati's Rule #5. But I also know that I had booked the weekend of camping and cycling as a treat, and to enjoy myself ... and yet I wasn't enjoying anything about it. So I gave myself permission to bail out. 75 miles is still 75 miles, and in those conditions, and with those mechanicals, still something to have done. But self-permission or not, I felt a miserable failure.

It stopped raining for a bit, that evening in camp, and I had a walk around the grounds and tried to feel less sorry for myself. The LBP had not abated though, and I felt very tired. I had three layers on, yet longed to be warm. I tried to phone home to cheer myself up but no-one was answering. Still, I thought, maybe I could switch to a shorter ride the next day, perhaps the 50 (which would still help me raise my Eddington, after all)? But it wasn't to be; something I ate disagreed with me and I was unwell during the night, to the extent that when I woke up on Sunday I couldn't contemplate a ride at all. I got dressed, trudged to the rider check-in and scratched from the day's events, watching morosely as a sympathetic woman scrawled "DNF" next to my name. DNF? I didn't even start. What a way to go out.

In between rain showers, mercifully lighter than the day before, I packed my stuff up, took the tent down and headed home. Was I falling out of love with cycling, I wondered? Had I ever really been in love with it in the first place? Or had I just needed ... something?

Later, as I cleaned the crap from my bike with Monkey Juice gel, and applied a layer of Weldtite Ceramic Shield, it occurred to me that maybe I loved everything about cycling except actually riding the bike? You know, pouring over Strava stats, making routes on Ride With GPS, the kit, lightweight carbon components and weight-weenieism, all of that. But actually riding? My stats will tell you that, since LEJOG, I have cycled less and less. Maybe I'm done.

But then I think about how Imogen Cotter is one of my sporting heroes of recent years, and how Ginevra Gargantini's is one of my favourite Instagram accounts, and realise that maybe I do still have an interest. And look at that last paragraph? I didn't get a bucket of soapy water out to clean my bike, did I? Even in a low mood, I broke out the Monkey Juice and Weldtite. Oh, and did I mention I cleaned the chain too, with my Park Tools CM-5.3 Cyclone Chain Scrubber?

Conclusion? We may have hit a rocky patch, but we're still together, just - me and cycling haven't consciously uncoupled yet. Watch this space to see whether we can work through our problems or whether a painful, costly, messy divorce is on the horizon...

A reminder from Geraint Thomas that sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail...

P.S. There are a lot of product links in this post, so a reminder's in order. I don't get given stuff for free, sadly. Everything I use here I paid for. If I say it's good, that's because it is good, not because I'm commercially obligated to pretend it is, simple as that.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Nelson 75

I'm not big on posting photos of myself, but here's the start and end of the Nelson sportive that, for me, turned into 75 miles rather than the planned 100.

Nelson sportive 2024 - startNelson sportive 2024 - end

Tuesday 2 July 2024


You'll remember my cycling goals for 2024?

  1. Complete 2,000 miles distance
  2. Complete 56,000 feet of elevation
  3. Record an annual Eddington of 16 miles
  4. Increase lifetime Eddington from 40 miles to 43 (requiring eight days of 43+ miles)

Here's an update after six months:

Still behind schedule on anything, but making headway at least. Have got some sportives lined up for this month, so am hoping that the next update shows more progress.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Swarm II

I'm not big on posting photos of myself, etc, but here's me at the end of the Norwich Cycle Swarm sportive earlier today. Whoop, and indeed whoop. I had company from the better half and the boy, but they are even less keen than me on posting photographs, so I look like Billy No-mates. Oh well.

Norwich Cycle Swarm 2024

Monday 3 June 2024

Progression ... ish

Remember my cycling goals for 2024?

  1. Complete 2,000 miles distance
  2. Complete 56,000 feet of elevation
  3. Record an annual Eddington of 16 miles
  4. Increase lifetime Eddington from 40 miles to 43 (requiring eight days of 43+ miles)

Here's how all that is going.

So, behind schedule on anything, but making progress at least. Think the fourth goal is going to be the hardest to achieve.