What is this site?

In September 2021 I cycled from Land's End to John O'Groats, 977 miles in 9 days. This website documented my training and other cycling experiences, and now continues as a general cycling blog. There's more info here on the sponsored LEJOG ride.

Can I sponsor you?

Not any more! My fundraising has closed, after raising just over £4,100 for The Alzheimer's Society. However, you can still donate to the charity right here.

What's your review policy?

For anything I review here, I will state where I bought it from and how much I paid for it. In the unlikely event that someone wants to give me free cycling kit in exchange for a review, I'm naturally up for that, but I'll make it plain that's what's happened and it won't prejudice my review.

Are you on Strava?

Of course, look (if you're a Strava member yourself)...

Why "61-63"?

61-63 refers to the rules within the Highway Code that cover cycle routes, cycle tracks and cycle lanes. These rules make it very clear that using cycle paths is not compulsory, which is why I get annoyed when car drivers shout abuse or honk their horns because I'm on the road, rather than the rubbish-strewn, up-and-down-driveways cycle path. I'm a road user too, you know...

How far do you go?

How much did you train for RAB21?

Here's a breakdown of the training I did building towards LEJOG in September 2021 (i.e. the end of week 88), with week numbers aligned to match those recorded in the Metrics blog posts. I left the LEJOG weeks in, 88 and 89, for comparison. Technically, I did enough, because I finished RAB21 successfully ... but it would have been better if I'd trained more.