Sunday 30 June 2024

Swarm II

I'm not big on posting photos of myself, etc, but here's me at the end of the Norwich Cycle Swarm sportive earlier today. Whoop, and indeed whoop. I had company from the better half and the boy, but they are even less keen than me on posting photographs, so I look like Billy No-mates. Oh well.

Norwich Cycle Swarm 2024

Monday 3 June 2024

Progression ... ish

Remember my cycling goals for 2024?

  1. Complete 2,000 miles distance
  2. Complete 56,000 feet of elevation
  3. Record an annual Eddington of 16 miles
  4. Increase lifetime Eddington from 40 miles to 43 (requiring eight days of 43+ miles)

Here's how all that is going.

So, behind schedule on anything, but making progress at least. Think the fourth goal is going to be the hardest to achieve.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Norwich 60

I'm not big on posting photos of myself, but here's father and son midway through the Norwich 60 sportive earlier today. The ride turned into 70 miles with there and back, comfortably the boy's longest day in the saddle to date.

Father and son on the Norwich 60 sportive 2024