Monday 24 February 2020

About stats

Very few people are reading this blog, but if you're one of those few you'll have noticed the weekly metrics posts that list how much training I've done in the previous seven days - distance, elevation, longest ride, that sort of thing. I'm eight weeks into training now, so here's a self-explanatory graph:

I tell myself (and you) that I had an off-week last week - for reasons that I won't go into I could only cycle on four days out of seven, and adverse weather meant that outdoor rides were short. Yes, I still clocked over 60 miles in total, but that's not actually very much, especially when you factor in that 20 of those (the longest ride bit) was indoors, on the turbo trainer. Despite all that though, I could look at this and still feel that things are going okay. Except...

Except anyone with basic Excel skills can add trend lines to graphs. Here's what the same graph looks like with trend lines to the week before LEJOG...

So what's that, about 220 miles per week, with a longest ride of 85 miles, and a weekly elevation total of about 4,400 feet? I don't think that's enough. I'm behind where I should be and I need to up my game...

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